
Saturday, June 6, 2015

Podcast - Being a Quilter's Kid

I thought I'd talk with my children to get an insight on what they thought about quilts, quilting and having a quilting obsessed Mum.  They were happy to oblige and there are interesting, funny and a few golden moments through our interview.

They both talk about their bed quilts I've made them.

You know the saying about tailor's children having no shoes?  Well, my kids have quilts, but they are both years old, very well loved and consequently getting tatty.  These old photos show me that at least my photo taking ability has improved, but it's also long overdue for me to make new quilts for them I think.  You'll hear Liv request a fairy princess with a pretty dress riding a unicorn pegasus.......sure, I'll knock that off by next weekend!

And here's a picture of the quilt we were sitting on.  I asked them how much they thought I should sell it for....I'm hoping you'll gasp in horror when you hear the figure they suggested!

I hope you enjoy listening.  Apologies if the sound fades in and out a little, I was chasing two kids and a cat round my bed....

Download this episode (right click and save)


  1. Very cute and your children had some interesting view points.

  2. This is brilliant entertainment, thank you to the children and the cat.I am listening to it while doing some hand sewing and laughing at the children's responses to your questions. They seem to me to be two happy and intelligent small people who clearly take a genuine interest in their Mum's quilting methods.

    1. Thanks CeeB. I'm totally biased, but yes, they are happy and intelligent little people! I think I'm going to love listening to this in years to come.


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