My name is Charlotte, sometimes known as Ms Lottie, occasionally as The Slightly Mad Quilt Lady. This is my blog, where you'll find me writing a lot about my quilting and textile arts and a little about my family's life in a small seaside town in New Zealand. Haere mai!

Saturday, August 31, 2019

A Quilty Trip to Christchurch August 2019

I’m in Christchurch right now, enjoying the crisp, clear Winter weather. Although the daffodils are out in Hagley Park and the magnolias are starting in the botanical gardens so technically it’s Spring...

Anyway, I’m here on a Quilty trip and it’s been full-on Quilty overload!  Christchurch Quilters invited me to judge their 30th anniversary exhibition, and alongside that, to teach two classes. I jumped at the opportunity- I love Christchurch, I love teaching, and I love judging!

I had two fabulous classes with fabulous students and enjoyed myself immensely. Teaching is super rewarding, especially when students take your ideas and run with them.

Judging was also enjoyable. I take it very seriously, because I know how much hard work people have put into their quilts, and I also know how much of a leap it can be for people to feel confident enough to put their work into a judged show.  Christchurch can be proud of their show, encouraged by the number of first time entrants, and my fellow judges and I were very unanimous in our decisions.

As well as the Christchurch Quilters exhibition, Aotearoa Quilters  (AQ) laid on some Quilty goodness too. They were showing the AQ New Zealand Through Our Eyes challenge, which was a challenge run in conjunction with Canada and first shown at the Ailsa Craig Quilt and Fibre Art Festival.

New Zealand makers

New Zealand makers

Canadian makers

Canadian makers

I’m also on the committee for AQ, so there was two days of face to face meetings and then the AGM (that’s tonight). Seeing as it’s AQ’s 25th anniversary, it’s a special one!
Working hard at the face to face.

And last, but not least, in conjunction with AQ, the SAQA Oceania region we’re showing their Connections exhibition. Which looked really beautiful against the gallery walls.
Quilt by Mary Transom
Quilts by Catherine McDonald, Helen Beaven, and Lois Parrish-Evans
Quilt by Sonya Prchal

I’m really excited about the work we did in the committee meeting for AQ. There’s lots of exciting challenges and events coming up. Although I’m not staying on the committee, I will be runninga special project next year! But mums the word, you’ll have to watch this space!

I’m back home tomorrow and I’ll be ready for some alone time in my studio to put all the inspiration from the weekend to good use. Hope your week has been as Quilty as mine!

Edited to add: I have no idea why Mary and Sonya's quilts are sideways! And they don't want to seem to turn around. Sorry!