My name is Charlotte, sometimes known as Ms Lottie, occasionally as The Slightly Mad Quilt Lady. This is my blog, where you'll find me writing a lot about my quilting and textile arts and a little about my family's life in a small seaside town in New Zealand. Haere mai!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Painting - and not the creative type!

Well, not the artistic type anyway. You can be very creative with colours and I thought I was going to have to. We planned to paint the interior of our shed-soon-to-be-house with all the leftover bits and pieces of paint that have been collected in the shed over the years. There was a deep pink, a mushroom grey, an awful apricot.....the list went on. Thankfully alot of those paints were so old they were unusable! Darn!! (not really).

So we ended up with painting our bedroom, the hall and Miss-almost-two's bedroom an off white with apricot tones. Mister-four got an off white with grey tones and we bought one litre of very RED paint. He got his red wall that he wanted! We then mixed some of the leftover red into some almost white and got a baby pink for one wall of Miss-almost-two. I've always hated the whole pink thing for girls, but unfortunately she likes pink - it was the first colour she learnt how to say and I DEFINITELY didn't teach it to her!

Then we had to buy paint for the lounge/living/kitchen area. The kitchen already has strong colours of a sort of denim blue and a buttery yellow so I chose something called 1/4 Spanish White. Another off white (gotta love those versatile off whites!) with yellow tones so it doesn't clash with the kitchen. You can see the kitchen colours in the roller and paint try photo up there actually.

Here's my darling son (terrible photo I know) painting our bedroom. Get them working young I say!

So we were planning to move in this weekend coming, but the weather forecast says otherwise. Pouring rain is not the best for moving furniture in and in fact I'm a little thankful. There was a certain stress level rising at the thought of all I had still to do. Now the pressure is off a little.

Oh - and the dog? Blood test this morning. Then we'll know if we have to do the Vit K thing. She looks perky as, but still could be slowly internally bleeding - horrible thought. Fingers crossed everyone. xx

1 comment:

  1. Eek, fingers crossed.

    Ha, Master W looks like he's loving it! Send him over here for our next reno....which we're hoping not to have to do...


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