My name is Charlotte, sometimes known as Ms Lottie, occasionally as The Slightly Mad Quilt Lady. This is my blog, where you'll find me writing a lot about my quilting and textile arts and a little about my family's life in a small seaside town in New Zealand. Haere mai!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

"Can I take a picture, Mum?"

Yes, my car is filthy.  My excuse is that I live down a dirt road!
Sure.  Why not?  Especially when you take such sweet pictures!  I don't know what it is about this picture, but I love it.  The three year old took it while we were waiting at school for the six year old to finish up.

The front of a wee bassinet quilt for the maternity unit.

I've been single parenting for over a week now while Hubby takes a well-earned holiday hunting roaring stags in the bush.  I have the utmost respect for any parent doing it solo.  I'm only just managing to squeeze in some quilting here and there.

And here's the back.
But when he comes back I'm winging my way down to Queenstown for the Remarkable Quilting Symposium!  (Insert image of me clapping my hands with glee!)  I'm busy gathering my supplies, packing my bags and making sure the house and animals are as sorted as can be for a smooth takeover by Hubby.  Five more sleeps to go!!


  1. Your baby quilt looks great, do you give them to a Northland hospital?

    Have fun at symposium!

  2. quilt is gorgeous as ever!
    have a lovely time at the quilting thingy!!

  3. Love that quilt. The quilting looks fun!

    Thanks for visiting me. I am glad you liked my quilt back. :)

  4. I'll be at the symposium too. Might see you there perhaps.

    viv in dunedin

  5. I've just registered for next symposium - I have more that 5 sleeps till that one! Have a great time down there!

  6. That pic is perfectly framed and has interesting perspective too, she did a great job! Budding photog on your hands, girlie! Found a great 2nd hand digi camera for H's b'day on ebay, he'll love it.


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