My name is Charlotte, sometimes known as Ms Lottie, occasionally as The Slightly Mad Quilt Lady. This is my blog, where you'll find me writing a lot about my quilting and textile arts and a little about my family's life in a small seaside town in New Zealand. Haere mai!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Last week I was reminded how precious the people you love are and it prompted me to organise a family trip out on the launch over the weekend.

I haven't been out on 'the launch' yet. When it was bought, about four months ago, I had a little snit about it. I mean, I'm living with a longdrop toilet and hubby goes out and buys a launch without telling me! He literally came home and said,"Guess what I bought today, honey?" The running joke has been that he did get me a flushing toilet, he just surrounded it with 36 foot of boat! Anyway, I can't really sulk over it because it was bought by his co-owned business for promotional and testing purposes.
So we spent Saturday cruising the Bay. We did a spot of fishing, but weak stomached that I am, I was soon requesting a beach stop. The kids loved exploring the rocks and 'caves', paddling in the water and collecting treasures.

We anchored for the night in a little sheltered bay and had a barbecued dinner. The kids played on the boat like it was a jungle gym and eventually settled to sleep in the forward cabin.
I can't say the bunks are the most comfortable but ok for one night. Hubby wants to re-cover and re-foam the squabs (can I have my flushing toilet first?).

The next day we had scallop sandwiches for lunch. Mister 5 gained loads of confidence swimming off the back of the boat. Even I had a bit of a swim. Eventually we began the trip home, with two tired and happy children.

And of course, the obligatory ice cream on the drive home.


  1. You lucky thing, you. I can sympathise with the weak stomach thing, but your kids look supremely happy and contented - what more can you ask for?

  2. Hi I just popped over from Rhondas blog down to earth. I live in the USA and I can Venison. It is super simple but you need a pressure cooker. I like mine with the actual pressure gage on top and the lid slip locks onto the pot and not clamps. We live in a rural area and lose power quite frequently. I started canning meat after having to cook 22lbs of thawed chicken! It also makes making dinner qiuck and easy when you don't have to thaw the meat. I hope you try it.

  3. Awwww. Loved ones indeed are so precious. I received your heart today & also the wonderful art by your son & daughter. Thank you so much. Touched my heart in ways you cannot imagine. I'm on the last pattern repeat of your shawl, too. Thank you so, so much. Many blessings to you and your loved ones.

  4. P.S. I'm adding some "toilet vibes" to that post. Maybe your hubby will surprise you with a toilet instead of flowers for Valentine's Day! :-)

  5. Cadi, you really made me giggle with that last one!

  6. Those shells are astonishing. So beautiful. Wow. Good luck on the toilet.--patti (from brigid's garden--I don't know how to undo that adminstrator thing...)


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