My name is Charlotte, sometimes known as Ms Lottie, occasionally as The Slightly Mad Quilt Lady. This is my blog, where you'll find me writing a lot about my quilting and textile arts and a little about my family's life in a small seaside town in New Zealand. Haere mai!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Day the Dunny Died.

It's windy here today.  Real windy.  Like blow your house down windy.  Or, in actuality, blow your dunny down.

Yup.  That there is what greeted me last time I went out to sit on the throne. 

This is what it looked like last summer - the kids got muddy and decided to paint it (with mud - I guess they were going for the adobe look).

So, what's a girl to do when she's gotta go?  Well, I pushed it back up straight, used it, then got the hell out of there before it blew over again!

I rang Hubby at work.  He laughed.  But then he's at work - with a flushing loo to hand.  Huh.

I think it's time to get me one of those fancy indoor flushing loos at home.


  1. Oh Dear, what a 'bummer'!!!Peg it down maybe?
    It's certainly wild wind...but no earthquakes or snow.Good luck!

  2. Oh no!!
    So windy isn't it!
    Our chook house blew over this morning, no photoas yet though, too busy trying to lay it down so it didn't squash a chook!
    Re. your loo had you thought of another option such as a composting one? There are some pretty good ones on the market. We have one called a 'Separett', made in Sweden. Does not flush so saves loads of water.
    Anyway, hope you get your dunny sorted out, we will have to reposition our chook house and make sure it is really secure..

  3. Omg, that is funny! I can just see your face when you went out to sit, hehehe. Yeah, time to get modern again, girly.

  4. Really really glad that you were able to push it back up and use it! Thought the photo captions were going to read slightly differently - this is the dunny blown over and this is the children as they emerged and helped to push it back upright...;-S.

  5. holy crap - heehee
    the winds been a right shocker.

  6. for real - no inside loo????

    Oh my! I couldn't cope. Was bad enough using a bucket when sewer pump broke (twice)

    Your a brave lady!


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