My name is Charlotte, sometimes known as Ms Lottie, occasionally as The Slightly Mad Quilt Lady. This is my blog, where you'll find me writing a lot about my quilting and textile arts and a little about my family's life in a small seaside town in New Zealand. Haere mai!

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Tonight I was having "uncharitable thoughts" about my children whilst cleaning up the interminable mess they make. 

Admittedly they have their 'awwwww' moments.  But in general, they are loud, annoying, they interrupt constantly, they take so much time, they are expensive, they are very, very messy, and they frequently cause me to clench my teeth.

But then a thought popped into my head that is going to make all you quilters giggle.  I have to thank my son for quilting.  My first ever quilt was started long before (like 5 years before) he was born.  But he was the reason I finished it.  That quilt was the reason I went to a quilting exhibition.  That exhibition was the reason I signed up for patchwork and quilting lessons.  And the rest, as they say, is history.

So tonight whilst I am grumpy and sighing and carrying on like a toddler, I was snapped out of it by that thought.

Thanks kids.

I found this when I went to bed last night.  Those are her grubby cuddlies on my bedside table (which I really must repaint - brown is soooo yesterday).  An 'awww' moment, until I had to heave her into her own bed - she's heavy!

A real 'awww' moment.

When they were cuddlier and didn't talk back so much!

My first ever quilt. (And my first ever baby wrapped up in it).


  1. Try when they are 12 and 14 like mine - then they are all you said plus they stay up half the night too! And you can't manhandle them any more without the use of a crane :) You wonder just why it was you wanted them in the first place and then they go and make you completely, over the top proud of them for something or other. And you still love them even when they are yelling at you about something or other......

    viv in nz

  2. Awww, cute photos Lottie! I LOVE that one of the 2 of them!

    I'm having the same 2 yr old is busy telling me to lay off his the top of his voice...while I am busy telling said brother for the cazillionth time not to torment his brother. Go figure.

    Hehe, my 2 yr old has cuddlies like that too.

  3. Ms. Lottie, This is what I try to tell my husband, when my patience grew short many times over our 32 years together. I have no natural kids. He has 2 girls. Whenever his patience grew short with his girls,over the years, he always had those precious little moments from his memory of them as infants, that I didn't have. He could get over the irritating things they did, much quicker and easier than I,because he had that. I could not. It was hard for many years,enduring a lot of what step children brought to our marriage. Thankfully, we are past all of that now.Thank God for the memories.

  4. Nice post Ms Lottie.

    Know the feeling! and that's with just the one wee boy!

  5. Nice to hear someone speaking so candidly about the "challenges" of parenthood. Let's face is darn hard work! But then I think about the alternative; about what my life would be like if I had never met my hubby and had stayed single, or if we found we couldn't have's not a pretty place to visit! I think I'll stick with the chaos of having a family - noise, mess and poverty :)

  6. Lovely post.And when they get older they sometimes come home and clean the kitchen bench or hang out the washing for you - more aawww moments!!


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