My name is Charlotte, sometimes known as Ms Lottie, occasionally as The Slightly Mad Quilt Lady. This is my blog, where you'll find me writing a lot about my quilting and textile arts and a little about my family's life in a small seaside town in New Zealand. Haere mai!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Happiness is......

 This makes me happy, excited, relieved (in more ways than one!), ecstatic even!!  One of the reasons I was a little concerned about moving out to our block of land was because I didn't have one of these.

My new sewerage system and grey water system.  If you're new to this blog you may not know that here on Windyhill Farm we are a little bit primitive.  Or I like to think of it as extremely low impact.  We have a longdrop for a loo, and if you don't know what a longdrop is, well basically we poop in a hole in the ground.

(See this post for a pic of the day the dunny blew over)

But not any longer!! (Well actually, for a few more days at least).

The system above is a Natural Flow System.  It uses worms to eat the solid bits, lets the black water flow down into our bush and puts the grey water through an irrigation hose that I can place where I please.

So I get a flush toilet in my bathroom and an irrigation system for my garden in one fell swoop. 



  1. Too cool! Ok, so it's safe to visit now? Hahaha :)

  2. Wahoooooo for you! This IS cause for celebration, congrats girl~~Elaine

  3. You won't know yourselves - and you'll be safe when it gets too windy - congratulations!


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