My name is Charlotte, sometimes known as Ms Lottie, occasionally as The Slightly Mad Quilt Lady. This is my blog, where you'll find me writing a lot about my quilting and textile arts and a little about my family's life in a small seaside town in New Zealand. Haere mai!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Save the Biscuits!

I constantly try out new recipes for biscuits (or cookies if you're from the USA!).  My son needs something in his lunchbox besides the staple fruit and sandwiches.  He'll get cold pasta, a slice of egg pie, maybe a scone or muffin every now and then, but when I'm in a hurry, a good hearty biscuit does the trick. 

I've got recipes that I loved as a kid - Rolled Oat Jumbles, Kiwi Crunchies, Chocolate Crunch, but Mr Fussy likes them for a short while and then goes off them. 

Today I tried Scroggin Lunch Biscuits.  I have it hand written down in my recipe book so heaven only knows where I got it from.  Peanut butter, butter, flour, sugar (I used rapadura, which is like brown sugar), eggs, vanilla, currants....sounds pretty good, but nope, they taste like sawdust.

Look good, smell good, taste.....blurk.

And I used lots of good ingredients that I don't want to 'waste'.  Waste in our house means feeding to the chooks - I'll get them back in eggs, but still.....

So, please, if you have any suggestions on how to rescue my bikkies, I will be eternally grateful!  I'm thinking of bashing them up (venting my frustration), adding a bit of butter and sugar and using as a Fruit Crumble topping?  What do you think?


  1. sorry about the sawdusty cookies. I think all good biscuits "SHOULD" have butter in them :-) Your plan B sounds like a good plan.

  2. bash them up, get rid of the frustration then make fudge cake out of them, use them as the crushed cookies. have you heard of lunch box cookies, made with marmalade, sultanas rolled oats etc, yummy.

  3. Maybe a different sort of cheesecake base ?

    That is so annoying. I mostly stick to grandmas recipe book. We know perfectly well which ones to avoid and which ones to double the recipe for and which ones have measurements that have to allow for things like a tablespoon of golden syrup grandma style (twist it round until nothing falls off - about 3 normal table spoons!). There are all my mothers additions as well and a fair number of mine too - all vouched for. I do avoid the ones from my Aunt - not because they aren't good but because she is a real fancy baker and her recipes are not for the faint hearted :)

    Good luck with the sawdust experiments

    viv in dunedin

  4. Did you let Son try one?
    Maybe he likes them and you can put them in his lunchbox anyway. Maybe you're the only one who doesn't like them?

    Sorry I don't have any other ideas.

  5. What to do with a bunch of biscuits (lol) that even a kid won't eat? Let them dry out as much as possible, crunch them up in bigger pieces, not in fine chunks. Spread them on a cookie sheet and ask the kids what THEY want for a granola cereal. Like: corn syrup, sweet spices, chopped dried fruit, coconut flakes. I think I might impress on the little dickens that whatever they choose, they will eat! Or feed it to the chooks and try something different. Do you ever make Chocolate Peanut Butter No-Bakes? I couldn't keep them in the house, even now! Sorry about your bad luck, that sucks, Elaine

  6. My suggestion is to crumble them and use them as a base for a slice - as they are "bland" shall we say, you can really go to town with caramel and chocolate on the top layers - now that does sound YUM!


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